Muncie Sewer System

The Sanitary District of the City of Muncie, Indiana announced a plan to separate their combined sanitary and storm sewers in the downtown area from Franklin Street to the White River.  In EPA-approved plans, the Muncie Sanitary District called for the first phase of a new sewer line to be built separate from the current combined system and handle stormwater water.  The system would move water to a holding area and water garden park area before discharging into the White River.  For this phase of the project, E&B Paving did all of the sidewalks, curbs and asphalt paving, while imi provided both the stone and concrete.

Project Overview

Due to the project timeline, E&B Paving had to complete all of the concrete work within 67 days.  This included over 83,000 square feet of concrete paving and 2,815 linear feet of curb work.  The streets were compacted and topped with a 3,000 psi concrete mix as a subsurface slab.  The paving was groove-finished to provide an excellent bonding surface for the final asphalt paving.  As each block of the project was completed, E&B paved new sidewalks, curbs and gutters.  This allowed streets to be systematically opened before others were torn out.

In total, imi supplied 3,300 yards of concrete for this project,  including 2,142 yards for the 9-inch concrete roadway paving, 76 yards for the concrete approaches, and 197 yards for the sidewalks and wheelchair ramps.  In addition, imi supplied concrete for 2,300 linear feet of barrier curb, 365 linear feet of curb and gutter, and 150 linear feet of rolled curb.  imi Aggregates also provided 30,000 tons of crushed stone to backfill street cuts, along with rip rap as an erosion control and filter in the spillway area.

imi / Concrete, imi / Aggregates, E&B Paving
Materials & Supplies
Concrete, Aggregates
DOT / Municipal
Construction Services
Concrete Paving, Other Services, Misc. Concrete

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